The Reef HOA

Stuart, FL

The Reef HOA is governed by the following regulations, in precedence order:

1.     Florida Statutes

The main chapter that governs homeowners' associations is:

  • Chapter 720 Homeowners' Associations

Other chapters that contain guidelines for homeowners' associations include:

  • Chapter 163.04 Energy devices based on renewable resources
  • Chapter 316.2 Operation of golf carts
  • Chapter 373.185 Local Florida-friendly landscaping ordinances
  • Chapter 619 Nonprofit Cooperative Associations
  • Chapter 712 Marketable Record Titles to Real Property
2.     Recorded Maps, Plans, and Plats 3.     The Reef Covenants

4.     Articles of Incorporation Search by Name Reef Homeowners

5.     Bylaws These are available as an appendix to the original Phase II Covenants

6.     The Reef Rules